Prof. Shun Hirota from Material Science and Asoc. Prof. Takayuki Tohge from Biological Science arrived at Soekarno-Hatta international airport in early morning, September 10, 2019. They went directly to Bogor accompanied by NAIST Indonesia staff. Upon arrival to Bogor, they went to visit NAIST Indonesia office before delivering presentation in the Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science (FMIPA) IPB. Prof. Shun was invited to the FMIPA meeting room as a guest lecturer presenting “Protein assembly and supra-molecules generation” topic. He welcomed by the dean, vice dean, faculty members, and our alumni. The event is attended by many students mostly came from biology and biochemistry department. The presentation was interactive and closed with introduction of NAIST programs and scholarship information. Asoc. Prof. Tohge came with different agenda, he scheduled to have personal meeting with Dr. Irmanida from department of chemistry IPB to starting collaboration work in coffee research.

In the next day, Prof. Shun left Bogor and heading to Jakarta to give presentation in Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI) UI. He welcomed by our alumni worked for faculty of medicine UI. Prof. Shun delivered his presentation to attendees which mostly researchers, students, and medical doctors working in the IMERI vicinity. The UI visit was closed with laboratory tour in the several sections of IMERI.

Meanwhile in the same day, Asoc. Prof. Tohge stayed in Bogor and invited to department of biology IPB as a guest lecturer. He had a fruitful discussion during lecture session. He then visited research facility in FMIPA to gain idea about his future collaboration work.



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