NAIST established its first Overseas Education Collaborative Office in Bogor, an economic and culturally significant city in the West Java province, Indonesia in April 2016.The NAIST Indonesia Office is operated in cooperation with the Indonesian NAIST Alumni Association (INAA). As a hub for enhancing NAIST’s presence in ASEAN countries, it plays essential roles in activities including academic exchange with partner institutions and NAIST alumni, and active recruitment of talented students. To commemorate its 6th Anniversary, we will hold an online symposium together with an INAA Alumni Reunion on August 7.

Indonesian NAIST Alumni Association (INAA) will be held Online Reunion in August 7th 2021. This event will be sponsored by INAA and NAIST and attended by several invited speakers such as President of NAIST, Director of NAIST Indonesia Office (Prof. Masashi Kawaichi, MD, PhD), President of INAA (Dr. Berry Juliandi, SSi, MSi), Vice President of INAA (Dr Zainal Arief, ST, MT), INAA members, NAIST Members, and NAIST students from the Division of information science (IS), biological science (BS), and material science (MS).

We hope this event will serve as an opportunity to expand academic exchanges between NAIST and partner institutions and strengthen alumni ties. Please join us for this event!


By admin