NAIST Indonesia Office, the first NAIST’ overseas office for education and research collaboration was established and officially open in Bogor, Indonesia on 8 April 2017. No less than five NAIST officials from Japan, including President Naotake Ogasawara, Vice President Mikio Kataoka, and Director of Division for Global Education, Dr. Sachi Ando attended the office’ signing and opening ceremony at IPB Alumni Building. Attending the event, Rector of IPB Prof. Hery Suhardiyanto, Manager of IPB alumni building Ms. Via Salvinia, and Indonesian NAIST alumni from various Indonesian universities.

Establishment of the Indonesia Office is NAIST commitment as one of the most prestigious Japanese universities selected for MEXT flagship project of Top Global University (2014-2023). This office is visioned to strengthen NAIST international presence as a global excellence in advanced science and technology graduate education. NAIST has indeed a history of comprehensive collaboration with Indonesian universities. Since its establishment in 1991, NAIST has accepted over 100 students from Indonesia. At present, there are 37 doctoral graduates from NAIST that are active faculty members and researchers in prestigious universities in Indonesia, including Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Bogor Agricultural University, Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Hasanuddin University (Unhas), and Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed). The NAIST alumni community in Indonesia is very organized and has led to the forming of Indonesian NAIST alumni association (INAA).

At the helm of the NAIST Indonesia Office is Prof. Masashi Kawaichi. In addition to lead the Indonesia Office, Prof. Kawaichi is also Head of Division of Educational Development at NAIST. NAIST Indonesia Office will serve to facilitate recruitment of excellent international students, enhancing collaboration with partner universities, and maintaining good relationship with the Indonesian alumni, as well as promoting collaborative research with the alumni. In the future, the NAIST Indonesia Office is expected to serve as a regional hub in Asia to further connect NAIST to cooperating countries and institutions.

For more news on the opening of NAIST Indonesia Office, please check the links below:

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